Posts tagged "Key Populations"
From 18-20 August 2015, four members of our global ASAP family – Sue Perez (ASAP Director), Martina Clark (ASAP Senior Associate) and Rachel Ong (W4GF Global Coordinator) – traveled to Bangkok, Thailand to participate in the Global Fund Partners Meeting: Engaged Communities, Effective Grants. In addition, our long-time ASAP Senior Associate, Edwige Fortier, brilliantly took...
As part of the support to the Global Fund reviewing gender transformative responses to AIDS, ASAP undertook a country case study in Zambia in September 2012, in addition to undertaking a detailed desk review of nine countries programmes.
ASAP iundertook a review for the Global Fund, with UN Women, to assess the extent to which countries are implementing gender-responsive HIV programming, in light of the Global Fund’s Gender Equality Strategy.
Development of a new funding mechanism to support global and regional civil society networks focusing on HIV. ASAP designed The Robert Carr Civil Society Networks Fund to secure stronger funding flows for civil society networks. The design process also assisted networks to help define and focus their work so as to create tangible benefits for...
An extensive publication for UNAIDS on inclusive engagement with civil society, as part of the Getting to Zero strategy and in the context of the UN’s 2011 Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS. The final document – UNAIDS guidance for partnerships with civil society, including people living with HIV and key populations – provides detailed advice on...