
Global advocacy to end AIDS in children and keep their mothers alive

Since late 2010, ASAP’s Director has worked closely with the three co-founders of mothers2mothers, their leadership team and Board to undertake a substantial, systematic, scale-up of advocacy activities. Work included development of a strategic plan and identifying key intervention points.

Consultations with Global Fund Implementers

ASAP provided extensive support – including organization, facilitation, analysis and report-writing – for a series of four consultations with representatives of more than 70 countries implementing grants from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. This series of meetings was designed to support Implementers to engage effectively with the Global Fund Board and...

Global consultation with transgender activists from developing countries

In November 2011, ASAP’s Director Robin Gorna facilitated the first ever global meeting of transgender activists from the developing world. The goal was to develop better mechanisms for dialogue between transgender people from developing nations and the UN and the Global Fund. Discussion centred on the health and human rights challenges that transgender people face,...

The Robert Carr Civil Society Networks Fund

Development of a new funding mechanism to support global and regional civil society networks focusing on HIV. ASAP designed The Robert Carr Civil Society Networks Fund to secure stronger funding flows for civil society networks. The design process also assisted networks to help define and focus their work so as to create tangible benefits for...

Enhancing donor commitments to the Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health

ASAP assisted PMNCH to develop, and play a part in implementing, a strategic engagement plan to enhance commitments by donor governments to the Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health. The goal was to support PMNCH and its key partners, among them the Executive Office of the UN Secretary-General and the UN Foundation, to identify...

Preparation of UNAIDS guidance for partnerships with civil society, including people living with HIV and key populations

An extensive publication for UNAIDS on inclusive engagement with civil society, as part of the Getting to Zero strategy and in the context of the UN’s 2011 Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS. The final document – UNAIDS guidance for partnerships with civil society, including people living with HIV and key populations – provides detailed advice on...